Monday, October 28, 2013

Lap Buddy

Do you have or know a Little Busy Bee that just can't sit down? Well I have an idea that you can make at home to try without breaking the bank. 

I've worked with many children and they are all so different. One Busy Bee that I know is just that, BUSY. Sitting down for them is just a waste of time. There's so much to do! They are either gathering play materials or offering utensils for peers at snack and lunch time. To help my LBB I asked mom to buy the items we would need to create a Lap Buddy to use in the classroom. 

Items Used:

  • Pre-cooked Beans 
  • 1 pair of long crew white socks
  • Fabric Markers or ANYTHING to decorate socks
  • Plastic ziplocs

Sock 1
I poured 1 box of chickpeas into a ziploc bag and 1 bag of kidney beans as is, into sock. Then tie a knot on the top of the sock. (Ziplocs are good to use and add to the sensory aspect when the Little Busy Bee is squishing the sock when in their lap.)

Sock 2
I poured 2 boxes of chick peas into a ziploc then placed the ziploc into the sock. Tie a knot and you're done!

The final products! This Little Busy Bee had mom help decorate. The Lap Buddies remain in their cubby when not in use and either is an option to use throughout their Busy day. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Book Review: Jake Starts School by Michael Wright

Book Review: Jake Starts School
Topic: Feeling Scared for School

Is it just me or do you get excited to for the start of a new school year? It brings me back to when I was younger. Which backpack will I use? What will I wear on the first day? Who will be in my class? 

At the age that I'm working with things aren't that complicated. However, things do get a little bit scary once the Little Busy Bees have to enter their new classroom. At age 4 and 5 children are still nervous and a little worried about starting the new school year, especially if they are entering a starting a new school. I found this gem of a book recently and wanted to share it with you. It gave me a laugh too. 

This is such a sweet book about a Little Busy Bee who is scared to start school. I read it to a small group of children who demanded it be read a second time right as I was saying "The End". It touched upon feelings of nervousness for school and being too attached, literally, to mom and dad on that very first and scary day. The book ends on a happy note and Jake gets involved in a full classroom conversation all on his own. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013


I want to start this post by saying I'm sorry I haven't been writing and updating what I have been up to these past months. But just like the site is called, I've been BUSY! 

This is exciting to announce... My husband and I are expecting our own Little Busy Bees in early 2014!! We are so excited and have been busy making to do lists, and cleaning out our hive to make room for our twins. I will continue working with my students for as long as I can and will also continue to work on this site. So Stay Tuned!