Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
A guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
By Carol McCloud & Illustrated by David Messing
What an amazing book and idea about filling people's buckets. I first discovered this book while searching through pinterest and discovered that a teacher basis her entire yearly curriculum on bucket filling. As a SEIT I only get to work in different classrooms a few hours a week, so no full year curriculum planning for me. But as soon as I read the book I wanted to share it with all the professionals that I work with. Carol McCloud thinks of such a creative but simple way to express how we can all be a little nicer and not be "bucket stealers". If everyone believed in the imaginary buckets this earth and the people on it would be much happier. Please if you are a parent, teacher, friend of a friend who has children, buy this book and give it out for this years holidays. I know I will. And if you're a freind of mine, guess what you're getting this year.
Read more about filling buckets and buying bucket books here!