It's so simple...Children learn more when they enjoy experiences {PERIOD}.
I'm a little confused as to why I haven't heard about this book from anyone else. I was perusing a local book store and stumbled upon this little gift. Quite the eye opener. Yes, you might think "Oh Jeeze, A book by Goldie Hawn, are you serious BUSY BEE?"
Well, yes I am serious. Read it and then you'll see why.
This book has not only given me a new perspective on teaching children in a positive way to encourage them to want to control their behavior through fun activities, while also giving examples of strategies to keep them calm and appreciate the world around them when things can get a little, lets say, busybusybusy. Children often don't look back on recent experiences and think of how they could have handled situations a little better or even to just be thankful. Well, I think that's an important piece about life that we don't teach children. Be thankful and enjoy the time you have now and look to how you can better yourself and the world around you.
Throughout the book Goldie {And yes, now that I know more about her personal life I feel that we are friends therefore can talk about her on a first name basis} gives personal examples of how these strategies have helped her family learn through happy and positive experiences. Along with Goldie's insights are blurbs from active users of the MindUP program with statistics that shows how enhancement of the learning process works happily for children.
It's so simple...Children learn more if they are happy. This book gives parents, teachers and caregivers the exact tools and modeled language to use when communicating with children about their brains. It gives you lists of activities to do with children to have them be mindful about their senses and how to control them.
To read more about Goldie Hawn's Book or Foundation click here