Saturday, December 1, 2012

Do you even know what a bucket is?

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

A guide to Daily Happiness for Kids

By Carol McCloud & Illustrated by David Messing

What an amazing book and idea about filling people's buckets. I first discovered this book while searching through pinterest and discovered that a teacher basis her entire yearly curriculum on bucket filling. As a SEIT I only get to work in different classrooms a few hours a week, so no full year curriculum planning for me. But as soon as I read the book I wanted to share it with all the professionals that I work with. Carol McCloud thinks of such a creative but simple way to express how we can all be a little nicer and not be "bucket stealers". If everyone believed in the imaginary buckets this earth and the people on it would be much happier. Please if you are a parent, teacher, friend of a friend who has children, buy this book and give it out for this years holidays. I know I will. And if you're a freind of mine, guess what you're getting this year.

Read more about filling buckets and buying bucket books here! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Day Leo Said "I HATE YOU!"

Book Review
Topic: Social Skills/Hate

Let's be honest here...We've all heard those adorable Little Busy Bees use the hate word. But have you ever caught yourself not being so sure how to respond to such a strong statement? During the first few years of teaching every teacher experiences those "UH-OH-what-do-I-say-now?" moments. Well I'm here to let you know that Little Leo up there says it loud and clear to his mom! I know can you believe that!? But well educated mom lets him know that she hates things too. She teaches him that everyone has the right to say what they want when they want, we all wish that would be different at times, I'm sure! But we do have the right, which many people don't. So that being said, it's okay not to like things whoever you are {grown ups, kids, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.}. But if it's going to hurt someone's feelings please keep it to yourself. Ever heard of - Sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me! It was my dad's mantra to me when he heard about negative stories from school. But every LBB should know that it's okay to have feelings. As adults, lets help them understand exactly what they are feeling and why. The Day Leo Said I HATE YOU! Is a great jumping off point even before your child says I hate_______. So why not talk about the topic before they hear it negatively from someone else.

Check your local & school libraries first. If they don't have it, then why not buy it for them if you are able to.

Learn more about the author Robie Harris here! 
Buy the book here! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Selective Mutism: How to help

Book Review: Helping Children with Selective Mutism and Their Parents
Topic: Selective Mutism

This book gave me my first insights in how to start understanding those children who are reluctant to speak. It was the perfect jump start to really understanding how I could help as an educator. The book breaks down slow progress by pointing out that whispering to barely audible speech is a vast improvement to a child who is reluctant to speak in public settings. Worksheets are provided as tools to learn more about the child while also giving recommendations for how to encourage children to speak just by answering the door even when asking who it is, or having the child pick up the telephone.
Children who are diagnosed as having selective mutism or those who are reluctant to speak also have a good chance of also having oppositional behavior and or other development differences. However social anxiety should not be mistaken for being oppositional and that children who do have social anxieties could be affected in a variety of situations and with a variety of people, including family members. The book focuses on how important both exposure methods and immediate reward treatments are.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

As many readers know, I work in Manhattan and earlier this week I lost contact with a family that I have become close with and happen to work with. They didn't respond to my emails when I reached out to check on their family's safety. And if you live in the Tri-state area you would know, phones weren't an option. Even though I was extremely lucky this week, I had a sick feeling in my stomach and have felt so depressed while watching the news. I have reached out to everyone I know that could have been affected by Sandy and I have donated to the red cross. I have worked every day this week, creating games and sending out numerous emails, even though it was announced by Bloomberg that NYC public schools were closed. But it just isn't enough. 
I finally got in touch with the family and was very happy to hear that my little friend has been "enjoying" themselves during this tragic time. I was thrilled to hear it, but I can't even imagine the affects this hurricane will have on many children, especially children with special needs. 
I have been sitting and doing as much work as possible to be ready to give my students an extra fun week with me.  But we all can't just turn around and pretend Sandy didn't come. So I am going to do 2 things....1. I have included a few tips on how to talk to your children about Sandy and 2. I want to vow to HELP more and I want YOU to as well. Hurricane Sandy just taught us all a very loud lesson. Anything can happen and we have no control over many things. Life is short. Not only during a natural disaster but each and every day we should all be treating one another as though we lost someone we love, lost a home, or even just be more thoughtful and mindful of everyone around us. I think we all forget how we affect each other and how easy it is to do something nice for one another. Is making another person even smile too much to ask? I think not. 
Busy Bee's Tips on how to talk to your Little Busy Bees about Hurricane Sandy:
1. Be age appropriate - I'm sure your child hasn't heard of Katrina, so why scare them even more. Talk to them about rain, storms, thunder, lightening and especially how we have no control over rainy or snowy days but things like umbrellas, homes, friends, can all help keep us safe.
2. Safety - Reassure your children that your job is to keep them safe and vice versa. Depending on their age explain the government (police, firemen, the president) has the job to keep everyone safe as well. Give them examples of police and fire fighters, teachers, doctors, etc.
3. Model Appropriate Behavior - If you act nervous or chaotic not only will your child pick up on it and become nervous as well, but later on your child will mimic your behavior and think that since you did it, it's okay for them to do it. It's never easy but try to remain calm. It's okay to show emotion and even cry. Just ensure them that they are safe and should remain calm for their siblings, family, pets, etc. 
4. Ask your children about what they know, don't know and want to learn about - Hurricanes, rain and wind. If they ask something you don't have the answer to at the right time, look for the answers together. Getting more information can settle you and your LBB down. 
5. Have fun - Even though Hurricane Sandy hit doesn't mean that all fun goes along with her. Ask your child about what their hurricane would be like if it was named after them. For example:  I would say, "If there was a Storm Busy Bee I would want marshmallows to fall from the sunny skies".  
6. Help as a family - Decide with your children a few different helpful ways you and your family can help. Give your children the opportunity to decide how your family is going to help. 

Ways we can HELP: 

Families with children have asked for gift cards to Babies R Us and Target, which can be sent to Rock Center with Brian Williams, 30 Rockefeller Plaza #412E, New York, NY 10112.
TEXT to the number 90999 the word REDCROSS to make an automatic donation of $10
CALL 1-800-HELP-NOW  - Your call will be directed to HURRICANE SANDY RELIEF

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10 Mindful Minutes

It's so simple...Children learn more when they enjoy experiences {PERIOD}. 

I'm a little confused as to why I haven't heard about this book from anyone else. I was perusing a local book store and stumbled upon this little gift.  Quite the eye opener. Yes, you might think "Oh Jeeze, A book by Goldie Hawn, are you serious BUSY BEE?" 
Well, yes I am serious. Read it and then you'll see why. 

This book has not only given me a new perspective on teaching children in a positive way to encourage them to want to control their behavior through fun activities, while also giving examples of strategies to keep them calm and appreciate the world around them when things can get a little, lets say, busybusybusy. Children often don't look back on recent experiences and think of how they could have handled situations a little better or even to just be thankful. Well, I think that's an important piece about life that we don't teach children. Be thankful and enjoy the time you have now and look to how you can better yourself and the world around you.  

Throughout the book Goldie {And yes, now that I know more about her personal life I feel that we are friends therefore can talk about her on a first name basis} gives personal examples of how these strategies have helped her family learn through happy and positive experiences. Along with Goldie's insights are blurbs from active users of the MindUP program with statistics that shows how enhancement of the learning process works happily for children. 

It's so simple...Children learn more if they are happy. This book gives parents, teachers and caregivers the exact tools and modeled language to use when communicating with children about their brains. It gives you lists of activities to do with children to have them be mindful about their senses and how to control them. 

To read more about Goldie Hawn's Book or Foundation click here

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Beads, Beads they're good for your heart! 
The more you use them the more you'll strengthen your fine motor skills! Yippeeeeee! Woo hoo! I know, exciting right? Well it's true. 
My Busy Bee ny bracelet

Regular beads can be super duper boring. Use beads that go along with the interest of our Little Busy Bees or yours. What's better than having your cell phone number on your child's wrist just in case. {Don't we keep our home numbers on dog collars?}

Using what interests children enhances learning. They can use planes, trains, who cares, they are doing hard work. Let's praise and reward them to help build their self-esteem. Also a great fall activity. Make necklaces, bracelets, key chains or decorations as gifts for loved ones for birthdays, holidays or just because. What's better than a homemade gift? I make them all the time. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Century of the Child

This past August I had a chance to spend a day with my mom before the busy school year began. Being my mom, {knowing that I am a passionate teacher}, she knew exactly where we should spend a day. We went to the Museum of Modern Art to see the exhibit on all things child related and I'm so glad we did.  It was the perfect day. 

Here we are sitting at huge table feeling like we were little kids!

I felt like a young child again as we moved through the fun filled Century of the Child exhibit. During the exhibit we saw a variety of things that brought us back through many memories we shared together.  

Here's a list to persuade you to go too, but hurry it ends on November 5th, 2012. 

  • Maria Montesorri's Teaching Materials from 1925
  • Early School Plans
  • Rector sets
  • Pee Wee's Playhouse characters & live reruns from the show
  • 1950's Disney Paintings
  • 1930's Gym Shoes
  • 1933 Nazi Board Games
  • 1933 Skippy Racer Scooter
  • A doll from 1910
  • Early School Children Videos from a Bronx Public School
  • Child Labor Photographs
  • Books about race from 1929
  • 1954 The Slinky
  • 1938 "Modern Doll Houses" 

Get your tickets here! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I like myself - Karen Beaumont

Book Review
Topic: Self Esteem

This delicious little character explains that she loves herself no matter what, even if she has horns growing out of her back with a pig nose! Such a wonderful book to teach self-esteem and being happy with yourself no matter what. 

Don't forget about asking for the book at your local LIBRARY or you can buy it here.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homegrown Friends

During my student teaching years I was placed at four schools around Manhattan.  During those years I had the opportunity to work with many amazing woman who I still keep in touch with to this day. For my 2nd placement I was placed at a small progressive school. However there was one particular teacher there I will never forget. I remember like it was yesterday, I was so nervous when I was called to substitute in her class.  As the months passed I too joined the teaching team there but since then, we have both moved on. I will never forget what a hard working teacher she was. You could always tell that she truly cared about her duties and role as a teacher as well as her students, through her patient and creative teaching. Since then she has not only created a family of her own, but a new and upcoming program called Homegrown Friends.  And I couldn't be more excited for her!!

Homegrown Friends is still very new, but Meredith Donnelly has already spread the Homegrown Friends playgroup through 6 states and 30 towns across America. Meredith is extremely busy spreading Homegrown Friends through more towns and counties but I was very lucky to have take time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions...

BB: How does Homegrown Friends work?
MD: Homegrown Friends members complete a membership form that contains basic information (name, child’s age and location), as well as rate a list of interests that will help us connect like-minded parents. Once matched an email is sent to the new playgroup members introducing the parents and providing a rotating playgroup schedule.
Refer three people to Homegrown Friends and your membership is FREE! 
A full credit card refund will occur once three people name you as the referring member on their membership forms. (Referral program does not apply to third party deals such as Plum District).

Homegrown Friends' playgroups are designed for children ages 0-3 matched by developmental ages 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-18 months, 18-24 months, 2 years and 3 years. A playgroup is a consistent small group of children engaged in organized activities under the supervision of their parents or caregivers. The playgroups created by Homegrown Friends will consist of four children with playgroups occurring in the participants' homes on a rotating weekly schedule. No need to worry about what to do during your playgroup sessions! As part of your membership you will receive an eight-week playgroup curriculum designed specifically for your child's developmental age. Each week the host family will have the opportunity to plan the activities for the group's enjoyment.

The Homegrown Friends Curriculum is designed to grow with your child. Parents with children ages newborn to 6 months will notice that there will not be a weekly curriculum. Instead there will be recommended toys, books and music. These first crucial months are about nurturing your baby and yourselves. Finding a supportive network of parents is one of the best ways to nurture your new roles as parents. Babies will benefit and grow simply from being in your arms as you form friendships with other parents.

The addition of weekly activities begins at six months. As your children gain more independence and their attention spans grow the activities become more complex and the playgroup sessions become longer. In addition to weekly activities you will be provided with book and snack recommendations.

BB: Do you think Homegrown Friends would have been beneficial to you and your parents while growing up?

MD: Such an interesting question! I am lucky to have a mom who is an Early Childhood Educator. My mom, Trish, is also the author of “Come With Us to Playgroup”, an instructional manual for how to create playgroups written in the 70s. My mom is my inspiration for this business and is responsible for who I am as a mom. She embodies what it truly means to be a mother and a grandmother. Because of my mom’s education background my brothers and I were lucky to be part of playgroups. My goal is to make the type of playgroup I grew up with accessible to all parents.

BB: Do you need a teacher to be involved in the Homegrown Friends program?
MD: When you become a member of Homegrown Friends you and your playgroup members receive an 8-week playgroup curriculum as well as book, music and snack recommendations. I have worked hard to take my knowledge of Early Childhood Education and make the curriculum user friendly no matter what a parent’s background.

BB: Can expecting mommies/daddies and or families sit in if they are curious?
MD: Because the playgroups take place in individual’s private homes this is not a possibility, but I am always available to speak with potential members via email at

Become a Homegrown member by clicking here! 
Like Homegrown Friends on Facebook by clicking here!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SOMETIMES you get what you want

Book Review
Topic: Sometimes we have to listen to others and sometimes we can do what we want

Growing up can be a confusing battle for Little Busy Bees. This book is simple with clear illustrations and words to depict what exactly we can and cannot do. For example, we can't always stay outside to play if it rains, and we need to take care of ourselves if we get dirty. There is no specific character story from beginning to end, but the characters are the same on each page and display the actions of the word lines on the corresponding pages. Again, very clear picture book about children go through on a daily basis. 
{After you have read it a few times, and when your Little Busy Bee, "gets it", encourage them to look for the silly cat in each scenario.}
Get what you want

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Book Review
Topic: Jobs

I love lists, what can I say I'm a teacher! A is for Author to Z for Zookeeper. ABC of JOBS introduces jobs to Little Busy Bees and will absolutely encourage conversations, questions & role playing. Great to use in the classroom dramatic play center or in the dress up area at home. You can even bring it as a class present. Imagine getting the whole family involved at your next get together to role play! {You never know, your Aunt Bonnie might have always wanted to be a fire woman and know all the right moves!} I wish I had this book when I was little. It's a great look into the real world of jobs. 

Buy it here!  

Monday, August 27, 2012

How Can I Talk If My Lips Don't Move

Book Review
Topic: Living with Autism

I have previously mentioned that I was fortunate and got the chance to meet Temple Grandin this past year. During her lecture she quickly talked about the importance of this book. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it after hearing that. It's an amazing book and a fast read. Get ready to be amazed.

This fascinating book is written by a boy with autism who works hard to learn how to read and write with help from his amazing mother. Growing up, Tito preseverates in front of the mirror, flaps while looking at ceiling fans and obsesses over light switches, only a few obstacles that he faced among many others. Through this insightful book Tito explains how he struggled with not only communication, but all the side affects of having autism. A truly inspirational story and not his only written book, there are others! This Busy Bee can't wait to get her hands on them. 
Buy this book by clicking here. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's Hard to Be Five

Book Review
Topic: Growin Up

It's Hard to Be Five is a very detailed book about the responsibilities a five-year-old has. As a five-year-old you have to listen, walk {no more stroller}, sit still and do things that "seem so scary and strange". Jamie Lee Curtis paired up with Laura Cornell once again, who does an amazing job with her illustrations. Together they depict that "fun things are hard" and "some hard things are fun". A great gift for the new 5-year-old.  

Check out Jamie's website & buy her book by clicking here. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Enrico Starts School

Book Review
Topic: Making friends/start of school

This cool cat is starting school and doesn't quiet know how to fit in and make friends.  He tries to be like others but realizes with some help from an older sibling that he needs to be himself. A perfect read for nervous nelly's who are starting school and don't know exactly what to expect. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Polka-dot Fixes Kindergarten

Book Review
Topic: Kindergarten

What an awesome book about a girl's first day in Kindergarten. It goes from bad to worse in 3 seconds for poor Polka. However, this brave and cool Little Busy Bee has a few tricks up her sleeve and at the end of the day has a new friend. A great book for the new Kindergartner. Just don't forget to pack them a tool kit just in case.  

By Polka-dot here

To learn about the author, get puppet printables to role play and have fun with or to learn how to throw the perfect Polka party click here!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Get 1 ready for 2! {Big Bro & Big Sis}

Great gift ideas too!

Is it just me, or do you also know a handful of  Super Hero Moms who will soon be welcoming their second bundle of joy?

Getting the 1st child ready for big-brother-or-sister-hood is not an easy task. But have no fear, Busy Bee is here! I have taken on the task of making a list of a few of my favorite things to help prepare your #1 get ready for #2. 

1. Julius The Baby Of The World by Kevin Henkes
Babies may not look like so much fun, but once someone starts to pick on Lilly's little brother, she steps in and makes sure they know how special he is.  Learn more about the author or buy the book here:
2. Baby Book - so much fun for the older sibling. The baby is attached by a string and can be added to each different scenario within.   
To purchase click here:
3.  Sisters by David McPhail - Sweet book about younger, older sister duo who have different and the same interests. 
Buy it here:

4. Peter's Chair by A new big brother helps dad get things ready for his new baby sister. 
Learn about Peter or buy the book here:

Have fun Big Busy Bee brothers & sisters! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Puzzle Buzz

As I've previously posted "Summer is not a vacation from education" and it really isn't, as you and I know. Only teachers get the summer's off, so isn't it silly that children are not expected to do anything developmentally appropriate for their age over those summer months? Puzzle Buzz happens to be my new favorite thing to use with children. Created by Highlights, Puzzle Buzz is recommended for children ages 4-7. It is the perfect activity that your child will become able to work on independently over time. 
So while you're flying around the world or just stopping in at the house in Montauk, your Little Busy Bee can be entertained with fun and educational puzzles by Highlights. 
Puzzle Buzz is similar to those old Highlights magazines that you used to get when you were a kid, but Puzzle Buzz is more interactive and focuses only on "puzzles". PB encourages vocabulary, tracking, concentration, matching, pre-writing and early literacy skills as well as thinking and of course fun! 

Order Puzzle Buzz for your Busy Bee by clicking here. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

a good and perfect gift

Book Review
Topic: Down Syndrome

What an amazing and inspiring book. Amy Julia Becker puts her personal struggles about dealing with being told the shocking news, "She has some of the features of a Down's baby..." after delivering her first born. Amy Julia is so real  and honest {she shares some of her journal entries}. The book almost seems made up. As a new mother she is so hard on herself for the first year of her daughter's life, but she's only trying to figure out why, as such a huge believer in God, He would ever let this happen to her and her family. 

I highly recommend this book to any Busy Bee looking for an amazing story about family, hope and encouragement. You will become so engrossed in Penny's story that you might even start praying {I did mention, that she is very religious, didn't I?} or possibly do what I did, and google her for more updates on Penny. 

After reading this book you will:
a. start thinking of ways to be a better person to all
b. be more open to others who do have disabilities
c. be more grateful for your life {and maybe even start praying}
d. learn more about down syndrome
e. all of the above! 

To purchase the book & read about Amy Julia's experience click here

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

America A Patriotic Primer

Topic: The United States of America

An alphabetical look into the details of what the United States of America is all about. From A to Z, the former second lady {2001-2009} of the United States teaches topics like why we have fireworks on July 4th to what exactly the United State is. Lengthy and good for older Busy Bees unless you read one page per sitting or preview the pages and create your own simple word version. One of Busy Bee NY's personal favorites because Mrs. Cheney knows her stuff; H is for Heroes which happens to include teachers!  

Get ready for Independence Day and purchase this book here.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Otto Goes to the Beach

Book Review
Topic: Summer/Beach/Friends

Todd Parr strikes again with a fun colored book about a silly dog who goes to the beach. We meet fun Otto and discover that he's like us. Ever have a bad beach day? Well, Otto has a hard time on his own, before finding a friend with the same interests. We learn from the modeled language provided, just what to say when a friend does something that we like to do too. Perfect book for encouraging Busy Bees to make new friends at the beach. 

{BB Tip: Read to children who are nervous about approaching others at the beach.}

Bring Otto to your beach {Click here to purchase}

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer is here!

Since summer has officially arrived I'm sure you Busy Bees are beaching it up or starting happy hours at 12pm. Which I'm sure you deserve both combined activities to reward yourself for being so busy this academic year. I also would like to relax, but of course I am in fact working since children with special needs are usually seen for 12 months. However, since YOU will be enjoying the nice summer and all that it offers, I will only post possibly once a week. Check back in with the site if you need a good summer idea, book or game to play after you cool down from playing in the sun. Otherwise to all those BUSY BEES out there, see you in September for more ideas!
Xo, BBny

Monday, June 18, 2012


Who doesn't love bubbles?! I personally can't handle when children see the first few bubbles that are blown their way. I love they way they watch the bubbles until they pop on the grass or their pop attack pose. I have tried so many different types of bubbles and have found that Gazillion Bubbles to be the best, plus apparently they have a new show to go along with them. I can't even imagine what it must be like. 
Anyone want to go with? {I have to check it out for research of course}

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

What a fun day. Every year a whole day is scheduled just for Dad! Sitting on the couch with him might not be exciting for you but for the Busy Bee Dad, it might be all he wants to do this Sunday. So why not curl up with the perfect book?
Book Review
Topic: Helpless Daddy

Such a cute and silly book, just like I like them. This animal daddy has trouble doing things the right way, from getting dressed to getting in the car. It reflects a backward take on how daddy's help us. Buy Oh, Daddy! here
Book Review
Topic: Daddy to the rescue!

Through this rhyming book you learn about Busy Buzzy and his donkey dad. They have a nice day at the beach together, but when Buzzy needs dad most, he's always there. A very cute story. Perfect for this hot-weathered-weekend in New York. 
Read at the Beach with Buzzy by clicking here

Happy Father's Day from one Busy Bee to many others! 

{This post is dedicated to two great dads that I've seen both silly and helpful at the beach when it comes to their kids. To my brothers ~ Chris & Scott. Happy Father's Day! XO}

Friday, June 15, 2012

Book Signing!

The popular NYC Occupational Therapist, Graduate School Professor and Author, Kirsten DeBear will be appearing and signing her new book Toby and Tutter, Therapy Dogs at Bank Street Bookstore this Tuesday, June 19th at 5:30.

Click here to reserve your copy now at the Bank Street bookstore. 

Check out Kirsten's other book Be Quiet Marina here.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sally Goes to the Vet

Book Review
Topic: Vet Visit

Silly Sally* is a Busy Bee and likes to play games just like me and you. In this simple and clearly written book, we get to know Sally and meet friend that she loves to play with. However, during play time she has an accident. We then go with her on her journey to the vet. We get a lesson in how to cope during shots and...well you'll just have to read it. 
A great book for Little Busy Bees who are worried about their furry friends or who are scared of the doctor. 

*{I'm partial to Sally since she looks exactly like my rescue dog, Mickey. I already read this to him and he loved it.}

Go to the vet with Sally

Doc McStuffins

In most effective children's programming, the content is enjoyable for children to watch. It's appropriate, humorous and educational. If you read Nurture Shock {a review from a previous post} then you would know that most television shows for children play out the conflict longer {20 mins} than the solution {5 mins}. Children's brains don't process information quick enough to understand that the problem has been solved, leaving them unsatisfied. It is very important that parents be involved and preview shows that children are watching. 

However, when recently working with a child who has an extremely hard time playing pretend, this LBB came out with "doctor" pretend play, which I later discovered was imitating from the show Doc McStuffins. During this play time he gave a "diagnosis", asked for "tweezers" and belted out a song about having a "check up".No joke! After taking advantage of these new found play skills in this LBB and checking out all the toys we could find, I had a long conversation with dad who let me know that I needed to thank Little Miss Busy Doc McStuffins.  

I thank Disney with all my heart to finally make a cute productive and engaging show that can teach a child appropriate play skills, which in this day and age is extremely hard to find. So if you have a Little Busy Bee that is dying for some TV time, find Doc McStuffins {10AM weekdays on the Disney Channel} and get comfy along side them because it is the sweetest show on right now. 

The "Doc" is a little girl who mimics her mother's job as a doctor. But Little Busy Doc McStuffins is limited to patients so she uses her own toys, gives them a diagnosis and then treats them. Did I mention that it's the sweetest show ever?

Get to know her and let your LBB know that they can dream to be anything but that they can start with a little pretend play. 

Play, Watch & Get to know Doc here!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

When I Feel Good about Myself

Book Review
Topic: Self-Esteem!

This delicious feel-good book is great for Little Busy Bees who are down on themselves or others. The sweet animal character from When I Feel Good about Myself  uses herself as an example to portray that it actually does feel good to help others! She also stresses that it's OKAY to be different, a friend and a helper. Everyone will feel good after reading this. 

Feel good & own this book

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Doesn't mean a Vacation from Education

Being a Busy Bee means I'm always on the go and I'm constantly seeking out great educational treasures. Today I saw a sign that read - "Summer doesn't mean a vacation from education". Which I couldn't agree with more. I love the saying and it pretty much sums up my career choice. Children with special needs benefit from year round support in order to best suit their educational needs and prepare for the more intense school year right around the corner. 

This treasure come from an advertisement from a learning center for Kumon. Ever heard of it? I'm obsessed with their educational materials. This past year, I used a few books with a Little Busy Bee of mine. The books are titled Are you ready for Kindergarten? Each book has it's own topic with specific tasks: Scissor Skills, Math Skills and Verbal Skills. I used all of them and loved them. They start off slow and get harder as you go. 
{Busy Bee Tip: During the Math & Verbal skills books - giving your LBB a choice to use either crayons, pens, markers, etc. lets them have a little fun while they work. Also, if they make a mistake so what, let the teachers handle the dirty work. Isn't it enough that they are actually sitting and writing/cutting/counting/drawing?}

Then, in a toy store I came across these: 

Perfect for practicing how to write numbers. The bid cards have dots on one side and the other has very clear start and stop points for the tracing. Such a great idea and can be used in so many ways. Great for summer days and easy to pack. 

These Kumon educational materials can be found on Amazon or at Barnes & Noble. 
Thinking of checking out a center or know someone who might want to, Find a KUMON center near you by clicking here.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mean Soup

Book Review
Topic: Bad Day/Frustrated

In MEAN SOUP A Little Busy Bee has a rough day and comes home crabby. Mom makes him feel better by being silly and creatively helping him get his frustrations out. With cartoon-like illustrations and simple language this book gets it's point across loud and clear. A fun book to use for reading comprehension also.  

To enjoy some Mean Soup click here

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Book Review
Topic: Sisters, Manners

My best friend just had her second baby girl and while I was recently searching for books at my local library I came across this gem and thought about what it would be like to have a sister. Then I stopped quickly thereafter...I think that my 1 older brother was just enough for Little Busy Bee me to handle. However, I have so much fun with my girlfriends that I just couldn't imagine them all being my sisters...Or could I? 

This amusing book has great detailed illustrations and simple rhyming language. It's awfully silly, from throwing mud to mom sitting in a jelly covered chair. Highly recommended for any set of sisters. And if I did have my friends as sisters, we would absolutely have been able to pull together a fantastic team and get back on mom's good side, just like these gals do. 

To own SHE DID IT! click here

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Zingo! is sort of like an updated version of the good old Bingo game. This more updated "game with ZING" has plain black and white pictures, which are hard to find when it comes to working with children. Not everything needs to be multi-colored and visually over stimulating. I love that the pictures are colorless and think the designers did a great job. 

I first used this game with a Little Busy Bee who had a hard time with articulation. While we played this LBB did a great job and worked so hard on getting the words out, in order to be one step closer to winning. {whoever says it first after it comes out, gets to add it to their board.} 

This game is perfect for children to practice a variety of skills; expressive language, listening, taking turns, organizing skills and patience. It's fun to fill up and to "wait until everyone wins" kind of game. However, it's good to teach winning & losing. It's okay to lose or to win. It's just a game and games are for fun! 

Buy Zingo here!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Get Well Soon Book

Topic: Medicine Makes Us Better

When Little Busy Bees get sick, they are the saddest little creatures on Earth. However, when liquid-help comes in a little bottle, it's a battle to get them to take a sip. Out of nowhere they become fierce and powerful fighting off the evil liquid...However this book is a great tool. It shows a variety of animals that go through "bad times". From a turtle getting squashed by an elephant to a  dragon sneezing fire on himself, shows LLBs that it's not just them going through a rough patch. 

I hope your LBB feels better.